Frequently Asked Question

Where do I find Planetary Annihilation crash minidumps files?
Last Updated 4 years ago

The default location for minidumps generated by PA is now the logs directory in the Planetary Annihilation data directory.

Crash dump files are named like:

  • xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.dmp (generated by PA on all operating systems)
  • PA.exe.NNNNN.dmp (generated by Windows Error Reporting)
  • PA_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS_name.crash (generated by macOS)

The environment variable MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY can be used to change the location where PA crash minidump .dmp files are saved and will also generate more detailed (and larger) minidump files similar to the new --enable-detailed-minidump command line option.

On Windows the default location for minidumps created by Windows Error Reporting (WER) is:

Environment Variables on Windows

To set environment variables on Windows use Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables (or search for environment variables if using Windows 10).

On macOS you can use the console application to locate crash reports:

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